AJSP2307 - CME/CMLE - Two tumors with combined fea ...
Two tumors with combined features of bronchiolar a ...
Two tumors with combined features of bronchiolar adenoma/ciliated muconodular papillary tumor and sclerosing pneumocytoma
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The document discusses two rare lung tumors, bronchiolar adenoma/ciliated muconodular papillary tumor (BA/CMPT) and sclerosing pneumocytoma (SP), which are typically distinct entities with unique morphological features. However, the document presents two cases where hybrid morphological features between BA/CMPT and SP were observed. The tumors demonstrated overlapping characteristics, indicating the possibility of true hybrid tumors coexisting occasionally.<br /><br />Case 1 involved a 62-year-old woman with a lung nodule exhibiting features of BA/CMPT along with interstitial round cells resembling those in SP. Interestingly, the BA/CMPT areas expressed BRAFV600E, while the SP-like cells did not. Case 2, in a 52-year-old woman, showed similar overlapping features. The document suggests that these cases could represent rare examples of true pulmonary adenoma hybrid tumors.<br /><br />Furthermore, the study highlights the genetic overlap between BA/CMPT and SP, with reports of BRAFV600E and AKT1 alterations in both entities. Clinical and demographic similarities between BA/CMPT and SP were also noted, such as solitary peripheral lung nodules found incidentally. The report concludes that recognizing these overlapping features is crucial to avoid diagnostic pitfalls and may lead to further investigation into these rare hybrid cases to determine their distinctiveness.
lung tumors
bronchiolar adenoma
ciliated muconodular papillary tumor
sclerosing pneumocytoma
hybrid tumors
morphological features
AKT1 alterations
pulmonary adenoma
diagnostic pitfalls
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