WMLM1322 - CME/CMLE - LMU 34 (Fundamentals) Inform ...
WMLM1322 - Pre-Reading Assignment 1
WMLM1322 - Pre-Reading Assignment 1
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Significant advancements in Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) have revolutionized pathology reporting with technologies like synoptic reporting, digital imaging, voice recognition, and telepathology. Synoptic reporting standardizes pathology reports for improved accuracy, efficiency, and data retrieval, benefitting patient care and research. Digital imaging, essential for visual data processing in anatomic pathology, allows for better visualization, teaching, quality assurance, and remote consultation. Whole-slide imaging (WSI) technology has evolved to capture, store, and analyze entire microscope slides at high resolutions, enhancing diagnostics and image analysis within pathology reports. Integrating WSI with pathology reports can improve the quality and depth of information available to healthcare teams. Despite some challenges, these advancements have transformed pathology reporting, promising dynamic features like image analysis and computer-aided diagnosis. With increasing adoption in large academic centers, smaller pathology practices can benefit from evaluating and adopting LIS upgrades to enhance their pathology reporting processes. This review underscores the crucial role of advanced technologies in modernizing pathology reporting and emphasizes the need for proactive evaluation of LIS solutions to elevate the standard of pathology practice.
Laboratory Information Systems
LIS advancements
Pathology reporting
Synoptic reporting
Digital imaging
Voice recognition
Whole-slide imaging
Anatomic pathology
Computer-aided diagnosis
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