Image For Activity Cover
RQB 2025: Gastrointestinal/Liver Pathology 2025 #2 Annual
Course Description


Daniel Fajardo, MD, PhD
Chair, ASCP Resident Question Bank Committee

ASCP Resident Question Bank Committee Disclosure

ASCP Resident Question Bank Committee Members

Physician Competency: Patient Care, Medical Knowledge 

CME Credits: 2.0
Estimated Completion Time: 2.0 hours
Format: Modular with 25 multiple choice questions and educational feedback

Eligibility for CME Credits:

  • Module ≥80% = credit
  • Module <80% = No credit, after a maximum of three attempts

Default Credit Type: None. (You must meet the eligibility requirements in order to obtain CME credit.)




To access the module for credit:

  1. Review the Disclosure statement.
  2. Review the Technical Considerations/Privacy Statement
  3. Click Go to Exam then Start Exam to begin.
  4. Images may be enlarged by clicking on the image. Complete the module by answering all the questions. You may review your responses and when ready to submit your responses click Proceed.
  5. . You will have a maximum of three attempts to qualify for credit. You will be notified if you have met the requirements for credit after each attempt.
  6. Submit the course Evaluation and claim credit if eligible.

To access the module for practice:

After you have claimed credit or have had three unsuccessful attempts to qualify for credit, this module will be available to you for practice.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Exam, then click Create Quiz.
  2. Create any number of practice quizes from the 25 multiple choice questions.
  3. View instructions for Creating Quizes from the assessment here
  4. Review the Education Feedback.

If you meet the eligibility requirements and would like to access your certificate and transcript that reflects the credit awarded, you must return to the Certificates & Transcripts section of the Education Home page after submitting your Evaluation.

Release Date: January, 2025
Review Date: N/A
Expiration Date: December, 2027*

*Exception: When ordered as part of a pathology residency program's RISE-PLUS annual subscription, access to the module will expire in 1 year.

Exam instructions

This Exam is untimed.  

  • You do not need to complete the entire 25-question exam within one sitting. Your answers will be stored in the system. There is no time limit.
  • You may stop and start the exam as you wish.
  • Questions are presented one at a time.
  • As you take the exam, you will have the option to click the Previous button to revisit questions and change your answers before submitting your exam.
  • You will have a total of three attempts to achieve a score of >80%.
    • If you achieve a score of >80% you will be able to view your percentage score, all the questions, question level educational feedback, your answers, and all the correct answers.
    • You must complete and submit an Evaluation to claim your credit.
  • Educational commentary and references will not be given for the initial attempt until your answers are submitted for all 25 questions.
    • Educational commentary and references will be provided prior to selecting an answer during your second and if needed, third attempts to achieve a score of >80%
  • If an 80% score is not achieved, please click Retake Exam, when you are ready to make another attempt.
    • If you DO NOT achieve a score of >80% after 3 attempts, you will be able to view your percentage score, all the questions, question level educational feedback, your answers, and all the correct answers.
  •  If an 80% is not achieved after your third attempt, click Back To Course Home to view the correct answers and educational feedback
    • Please submit an Evaluation to assist us in improving our material.
Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Assess diagnostic skills and differential diagnoses relevant to the study cases presented in Gastrointestinal/Liver Pathology.
  • Evaluate appropriate ancillary testing methodology relevant to the study cases in Gastrointestinal/Liver Pathology.
  • Identify areas of the practice of Gastrointestinal/Liver Pathology relevant to the study cases where criteria or classification may have undergone recent changes, new disease entities may have emerged, or where new developments involving pathologic work up may impact therapy.
Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Jan 01, 2027
Credit Offered:
2 CME Credits
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