WMLM1314 - CME/CMLE - LMU 11 (Fundamentals) Person ...
WMLM1314 - Pre - Reading Assignment
WMLM1314 - Pre - Reading Assignment
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Delegation is a crucial skill for reducing stress and unlocking career advancement. By building a strong team and distributing tasks efficiently, individuals can achieve greater success. People often fear delegation due to concerns of overburdening others, feeling threatened, losing control, or thinking it's quicker to do tasks themselves. However, effective delegation requires considering factors like task importance, recurrence, and time availability. To delegate successfully, articulate outcomes clearly, empower team members, match responsibility with authority, provide support, focus on results, and maintain control. It's important to brief team members thoroughly, avoid micromanaging, and accept only high-quality work back. By delegating effectively, individuals can enhance their team's output and skill set, prioritizing tasks for maximum success. Delegation is a key component of efficient teamwork and professional growth.
stress reduction
career advancement
team building
task distribution
fear of delegation
effective delegation
task importance
team empowerment
task prioritization
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